Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Qwestion 9: Dating

I have a qwestion. this past sunday (the 24th), someone mentioned that we have such a worldly view of dating. What is the world's view? How does it differ from God's? How can we change the way we see dating so that it fits God's plan for us?

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Qwestion 8: Suicide

So I have this friend, who wants to commit suicide. She can't trust anybody, friends, parents, siblings, GOD... Life is getting so horrible, that she may not be around to hear the answer to this question. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH SUICIDE?!

This is a very serious matter. Please let someone know immediately. Your friend needs help. In situations like these, some are afraid of telling someone else(teacher, pastor, parent, etc.) in fear of what their friend might think, but please think about something....would you rather your friend commit suicide OR would you rather them live and get help? So, if you you are not for sure if she won't be around to hear the answer to this question please let someone know immediately. We can answer this question as the person gets help or we will be helping you through the grief of a friend who committed suicide. Please call me or text me at
Pastor Mike
*I will be praying for this person...I pray that she will know that there is HOPE. READ PSALM 142--DAVID went through a time of hopelessness--read how he persevered. Listen to Seventh Day Slumber's Song, "I Know"....Check Out on YouTube-- Seventh Day Slumber's I Know Song.....

Your Life is Worth More Than You Can See

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Qwestion 7: End Times

According to a high percentage of the mass population, the world will end at year 2012. Please tell me what you think about this claim.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Qwestion 6: How Do I Share Christ with my Friends?

I've got two friends at school and neither of them go to church or know God. I need to know how to influence them in a positive way and be able to lead them to Christ. Now there is another kid at my school who thinks that it's 'GAY' to be a christian and he doesn't know what to believe. He has so many religions mixed up. I need to know what to do to let him know that he has a coice to believe IT or not but letting him know that Jesus loves him.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Qwestion 5: Pornography

Umm...I have another "qwestion". I have a friend that's addicted to pornography, and I found this out just after my BEST friend got off of it. However, I don't really know how to deal with it. I don't see either person very often, and I rarely speak to this new addict. How can I help my friend in love, and not with my own judgement clouding my vision???

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Qwestion 4: Music

"QWESTION"! ok so there's this band i like its secular but behind each song theirs a great lesson behind it.. and i could be on the border line to addicted to them. I mean i try not to put them ahead of God i would never do that cause God produces more beautiful music than i could ever imagine but this band is amazing and i just love listening to them! HELP

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Qwestion #3.....Cancer SUCKS

Qwestion from Anonymous:

Cancer--we hear the word and it makes many of us cringe because we have family members who are crippled and killed by it. For others, it's just another word because they have never experience it personally or from a family member. This is a question that many have and it goes along with suffering....Why does God continue to allow believers to suffer with things like cancer? It destroys great people :(

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