Friday, September 26, 2008

Qwestion 4: Music

"QWESTION"! ok so there's this band i like its secular but behind each song theirs a great lesson behind it.. and i could be on the border line to addicted to them. I mean i try not to put them ahead of God i would never do that cause God produces more beautiful music than i could ever imagine but this band is amazing and i just love listening to them! HELP

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Anonymous said...

Music is a dangerous realm. It's okay, I think, to listen to secular bands (I mean, "Happy Birthday" doesn't exactly directly promote God, does it?), but we really have to watch what we DO listen to. Listen for cussing, sexual suggestions, anything offensive to what you believe. And also maybe get someone else to listen to your music too, and get a second opinion. But if you think you're addicted, back off of it. Addictions promote idolatry, which is hardly beneficial to your personal walk with Christ.

Anonymous said...

(this is person who asked question) i mean not addicted as per say love it tons i mean i still listen to other ppls music but i love listening to them when i go to sleep. and none of it (except one song say everyone can go to hell) has any of what you said but i know i might need to back off of it but i mean should i back off it completley cause their secular..?? i mean well gr.. i dunno this is frustrating

My Heart Trusts In Him said...

Not all secular music is bad. A lot of it still has a good message behind it. But there are many genres of Christian music. Why not try to find a Christian band that has the same sound as this secular band you like so much?

Anonymous said...

I would love to know who this band is and suggest alternatives. If you are listening to them when you go to sleep you really need to guard your subconscious mind and how that is influencing you.
A quote I like to use is "I believe what we allow into our ears today will be reflected in our hearts tomorrow".

Anonymous said...

This verse really speaks to me
Philippians 4:8 ''Finally brothers
whatever is true whatever is noble
whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.......What i'm trying to tell you is listen to the lyrics of the song and think does it glorify God.Think about how the music affects your life the things you do or say.The last comment is right what goes in your ears today does reflect off your heart tommorrow.A Qwestion i have for you is how come you like the music so much and what you think the message behind the song is,AND DOES IT GLORIFY GOD.

Anonymous said...

music is the heartbeat of the Youth today pop,rock,country,cristian so many generes but the lyrics could metion God and everything else bu the more important thing is the massege.

Anonymous said...

One comment last week at Revolution was that you can worship with any type of music. That is true. All music is worship music. BUT--all music is not worshipping God. There's a lot of music out there that worships stuff, girls etc. The people you are listening to--who/what do they worship?

Anonymous said...

like i sai dmusic is the heartbeat of the youth today but us as children of God trying to stay pure and holy... the cool thing that you'll find is that there are alot of people who listen to stuff like skillet, kutless, switchfoot, and other bands it really helps because they give us the beat that we want along with the message

A-Ron, the Gospel Gangsta said...

This is probably what I struggle with most, but i'm probably going to have to say if the music causes you to think evil or do evil you need to replace it with something better or give it up. I listen to rap, and it's hard to find christian artists with that same rythem and beat type you like, but lately I have found it CAN be done so i'm sure you can find an alternative to yours, you just gotta look around and possibly ask some people.