Saturday, October 11, 2008

Qwestion 8: Suicide

So I have this friend, who wants to commit suicide. She can't trust anybody, friends, parents, siblings, GOD... Life is getting so horrible, that she may not be around to hear the answer to this question. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH SUICIDE?!

This is a very serious matter. Please let someone know immediately. Your friend needs help. In situations like these, some are afraid of telling someone else(teacher, pastor, parent, etc.) in fear of what their friend might think, but please think about something....would you rather your friend commit suicide OR would you rather them live and get help? So, if you you are not for sure if she won't be around to hear the answer to this question please let someone know immediately. We can answer this question as the person gets help or we will be helping you through the grief of a friend who committed suicide. Please call me or text me at
Pastor Mike
*I will be praying for this person...I pray that she will know that there is HOPE. READ PSALM 142--DAVID went through a time of hopelessness--read how he persevered. Listen to Seventh Day Slumber's Song, "I Know"....Check Out on YouTube-- Seventh Day Slumber's I Know Song.....

Your Life is Worth More Than You Can See

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Anonymous said...

I can't say anything mike already didn't say. you have to be gentle with this type of situation(correct me if im wrong) this is very serious and ill be praying

Anonymous said...

Please... as Mike said there is hope for your friend. In suicide their is no hope for better... there is no bright day. God made your friend, loves her with all of his mighty love,and wants her to live.

Jesus offers hope... and I hope with all of my heart that she would take that hope, love, grace, acceptance, forgiveness, and mercy.

I will be praying for your friend.

Anonymous said...

suicide must be a terrible thing to go through. all i can say is ton cntinusly pull her aside and pray and if that wont work just remember that there are others praying for her

Anonymous said...

i think that if you found out why they are having these thoughts it might give you a whole new prospective on this situation

Anonymous said...

Suicidal thoughts are very hard to ignore...and the spiritual side of it is so complicated. Even if a lot of people think it is selfish, to the person thinking about it, it's more than just the easy way out. Sometimes I think all they really want is to stop seeing the pain they believe they cause everyone else (even if that pain is non-existent).

God really is the only way out, huh? I'll be praying too.

Anonymous said...

I understand what this person is going through I have struggled with sucidal thoughts at one point I had a plan to kill myself(luckily I decided not to follow through with my plan).I'm just gonna say this God is the only way out I don't care what anybody else says God is the ONLY WAY OUT.When you are helping someone who is struggling with suicide.Be very careful what you say to them because one wrong choice of words could equal the end of their life just be extremly careful when you approach them.The best thing you can do is make them feel like their worth something.You can also pray for them alot don't hold anything back when you do.Something that helped me was God knows the day you were born he knows when your gonna die he knows how you're gonna die. If he doesn't intend for you to die yet and you try to commit suicide you could be menatley or physicly dameged for the rest of your life... I will praying for your friend if you have any questions you should call Mike.

Anonymous said...

ok i had problems with this afew years ago and all i can say is to (like levi said) pull them aside and try to figure out hwy they are having these problems also if they don't know Jesus and to introduce them to the Word

Anonymous said...

you can check out my blog
I'll try to help you anyway I can

Anonymous said...

I have a qwestion. this past sunday (the 24th), someone mentioned that we have such a worldly view of dating. What is the world's view? How does it differ from God's? How can we change the way we see dating so that it fits God's plan for us?

Levi Mattes said...

ok i know of this girl who,well, she is a thirteen year old and she is pregnant and i would like some advice on how to help her because she trusts me enough to tell me this,she is going to keep the baby and raise him so please help...