Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Qwestion 9: Dating

I have a qwestion. this past sunday (the 24th), someone mentioned that we have such a worldly view of dating. What is the world's view? How does it differ from God's? How can we change the way we see dating so that it fits God's plan for us?

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Anonymous said...

It feels like my world is falling apart everything just keeps messing up it feels like there is a dark cloud that keeps fowling me around where ever i go i let my relationship with God fall apart and my family is falling apart too. i really dint know what to do?

Red said...

I was reading a book about this: "Every Young Woman's Battle" by Shannon Ethridge. It's a bit graphic at first, but I believe it takes a decent biblical view on dating and just basically guarding yourself against sexual and emotional compromise.

When it comes to dating, I think that instead of hopping from partner to partner to partner in a search for "The One", we should step back, and look at the bigger picture. In high school, you shouldn't worry about anything other than how to pay for gas and doing the next homework assignment.

Sure, you have a social life, but does it HAVE to have a boy/girlfriend? If you think you NEED a boy/girlfriend, then you know you really aren't ready for one. You don't need a person to complete you. God completes you. Neither should you "complete" another person. Hey, God completes them too. A relationship is taking two ALREADY COMPLETE people and putting them together.

Besides, right now is when you really need to focus on family and friends. Your family is with you FOREVER. Get used to it. Love them. Appreciate them. Know them. And your friends, you need those. Make stable relationships with them NOW, so you have them when you really need them. Don't wait til it's too late. =)

Spending too much time with a boy/girlfriend isn't worth it. They'll be gone eventually. Work on relationships that will last. Talk to God. Tell Him everything. Let Him be the one to court you. A guy might say you look good, but God is "enthralled by your beuaty." A guy vows to be with you til death do you part or whatever, but God is with you FOREVER. Put the emotional energy where it counts. The reward is...unbelievably undescribable. =) Good luck, friend!

Anonymous said...

honestly i think that we shouldn't be dating to look for a girlfriend or boyfriend but to look for marriage. the world has made it to where we think that we have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend just to fit in truthfully i don't have a girlfriend cause i'm not looking for marriage right now cause well...i don't need it right now

Anonymous said...

God never intended dating to be in the picture at all, it is something society has made up. This Christmas season look at the story of Mary and Joseph. God wanted us to seek His guidance and never court someone (not date) we would not get married to. I have decided that if there is a woman out there for me, when I see her God will tell me that's the one. If not, then I am happy that God has chosen to give me all the extra free time I have (that I wouldn't have if I was married) to spend in Youth Ministry and taking care of my Grandma.

Levi Mattes said...

ok new QWESTION i have a friend who isn't sure that they think that the bible is telling the truth and that God is real she is having lot of doubt any help i don't want her to go to hell...