Saturday, September 13, 2008

Qwestion #1 Letting God and Others Down

This is the first question posed on the blog................

I thought I would be this great Christian going back to school but I find myself hanging out with the same crowd and doing the same things as they do. I feel like I've let God down and others down. What do I do?

Comment #1:

thats a really heard thing to go through.. honestly I havnt had any expierence going through that because my friends are always there to encourage me (+i got to a christian private school) But one thing I do know is that you havnt let God down He knows you'll go through some rough spots but He's there to pick you back up and get you back along your path. You know when parents watch there child trying to walk so hard but they fall. The parent will get beside them and help them up and encourage them to try again. And about hanging out with the "same crowd" you can't let them influence you if there not the greatest of people (if there a questionable group) and if you know you might be influenced by them i would just tell them "hey guys i've got something to do" or maybe(striving for the right words to say sorry) just tell them you might not be hanging out with them as much.. i mean dont be mean about it just kinda have a good influence on them and make sure they dont influence you in the negative way. I hope i helped. I know you can get through it! :D With the Lord all things are possible.

Comment 2
well your right saying no and sorry would be good but then they will think that you dont like them any more try a different approach. like influencing them for a change. and dont let them get you to discouraged because you always go through rough times. look at elijah he had to hide in a cave and eat mana for a while because somebody was trying to kill him. but did that get him down?

If you would like to comment more on this question, click on comment underneath this post


Anonymous said...

make friends that are christain that you know you can trust and start hanging around them more then the other people and they can help tou be that great christain you thought you were going to be when you went back to schooland you guys can help people get involved with church

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean... i've been going through the same thing to these comments are great advice and here's some more try your best to inluence them if your still having trouble with this go with the other suggestions but the 1 thing you can do is try to change them in a posotine way

My Heart Trusts In Him said...

Okay, I'm not trying to be rude to others who have posted on this but I don't really fully argree with what any of the comments have said so far.
I know how you feel. I've been in this exact situation and it's very, very hard. I almost did it again but by the grace of God it didn't happen... so here it is:
You can't minister to someone who doesn't want to hear it. When you try they have more of an influence on you than you do on them. The more you hang out with them the worse it will get. I tried to minister to my group of friends and all that happened was I got dragged down into the depression, bad attitudes, swearing and thoughts.
I know this sounds like a sunday school answer but that's not what I'm going for. I know how hard it is, I know how emotionally stressful it is, I know it's horrible. But you can't let it happen. You can't fall into it. You have to get away from it and find a good group of friends who will hold you accountable. If you have any questions or want to talk I'm a good listener and I'll give what advice I can.

dexter said...

Hi, my names Dexter and I'm currently studying religion and i came across this blog that i found on some notecard. Anyway, i'm not a christan but i was hoping you could help me.

Anonymous said...

Feel free to ask any question you have Dexter...that is the purpose of this blog.
If you have a specific question or more than one specific question, please click on one of the comment sections and then we will make a blog entry on the main screen so people can help you and others with similar questions.
Our desire is to ask and answer the questions that aren't being addressed, so we will do our best to address your questions.

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for doing this. Ok so this is my first question: According to a high percentage of the mass population, the world will end at year 2012. Please tell me what you think about this claim.
thanks agian