Saturday, September 13, 2008

Qwestion 2--Knowing God's Will

Qwestion from Anonymous.....

ok i have "qwestion" i know that when your looking to what your going to do with your life after school(im a highschooler) that you pray to God and trust in him. And i have been praying that and i think i have an answer but what if im leaning on my own understanding and dont see it.. i mean i think i know i think its from God but what if im just telling my head that...

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Anonymous said...

This verse is quoted a lot, but it is 100% true....
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."

When you continue to acknowledge Him--you can make sure you are on the right path. As you are "acknowledging Him" he will continue to confirm that.
The trouble comes when we stop "acknowledging Him"--praying, getting into the Word, worshipping and you may find yourself going in a totally opposite direction than you intended.

Anonymous said...

If it is truly from God He will open doors for it to happen if you trust in Him. If you are really seeking Gods will He will also close doors if that is not what He wants for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the the lasts can establish this "connection" with God by reading his word, praying, trusting him, and worshipping him......and He will open the doors, and when He does, you will know.......i cant explain how you will know......but you just will

Anonymous said...

I have another 'Qwestion'. I'm not even going to try and post this anonymously because most of you will know it's me, lol...
SO, ever since I've moved to Oklahoma my life has been upside down. The worst part is all the moving. Every time we've gotten settled we've moved again. We now have paint on the walls, pictures up, furniture in the living room, we're used to our classes at school and we've made friends. And I can't make myself settle in completely. My boxes are unpacked and my room is a mess, but my heart's not all in it. I'm so scared it's going to happen again. I'm struggling not to go into another depression (although most people don't even know I've been depressd before). I don't know what to do. I'm so, so scared. Help?

A-Ron, the Gospel Gangsta said...

So, God will provide for your future, but also you've gotta ask yourself this question because it's VERY important: "If it isn't from God and God doesn't want me to do it, am I willing to give it up?". After that you can really know whether or not it's God based or "me" based. God can speak through prayer, worship, people you know (godly counsel), thoughts, and/or the quiet. So i encourage you to keep prayin about the direction God wants you to go and if it is truly His will for your life.