Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Qwestion #3.....Cancer SUCKS

Qwestion from Anonymous:

Cancer--we hear the word and it makes many of us cringe because we have family members who are crippled and killed by it. For others, it's just another word because they have never experience it personally or from a family member. This is a question that many have and it goes along with suffering....Why does God continue to allow believers to suffer with things like cancer? It destroys great people :(

If you would like to comment on this question, please click on the comment button under this post.......
If you would like to ask another question, please click on the comment button under this post......


Anonymous said...

i think that god gives these great godly people this illness of different varieties is so others can learn through there experience...i know about this because i lost a great part of my family to thuis but i learned that God will give you as long as it takes.
-levi mattes

Anonymous said...

i think its because cancers a disease and when we sinned (not us personally but Adam and Eves decision which realisticly was ours also) sin disease everything thats bad in the world happened. God "allows" it because it was our choice BUT He can take it away or He won't but thats His decision that will work to glorify His name even if its not what He want God works in mysterious ways. BUT YES CANCER SUCKS! I had a grandma that died from it a great-grandma that had it twice but survided and another grandma that was just diagnosed.

Anonymous said...

well, lets say this,
if I had a friend dealing with drug addiction, I would probably not be the best to witness to him, because I have never gone through that, i mean, if I say "it's ok, it'll be alright" then they might say that I dnt kno what its like or what im talking about,

what im trying to say is if there is an unbeliever out there dealing with lets say cancer than God might want to use a christian who is dealing with that or has dealt with that issue because that believer knows what its like and knows how God's love and mercy is SO much better and how to see his grace through that situation.

God isn't doing it to be mean, but maybe bring his children back to him through his masterful plan that we get to be a part of!!!!

plus, i mean who are we to question GODS motives in anything, he's perfect and has a perfect plan to give us a hope and a future

Anonymous said...

Umm...I have another "qwestion". I have a friend that's addicted to pornography, and I found this out just after my BEST friend got off of it. However, I don't really know how to deal with it. I don't see either person very often, and I rarely speak to this new addict. How can I help my friend in love, and not with my own judgement clouding my vision???

Anonymous said...

"QWESTION"! ok so there's this band i like its secular but behind each song theirs a great lesson behind it.. and i could be on the border line to addicted to them. I mean i try not to put them ahead of God i would never do that cause God produces more beautiful music than i could ever imagine but this band is amazing and i just love listening to them! HELP

My Heart Trusts In Him said...

I've had two family members die from cancer. My great-grandma (who I was very close to) a couple years ago and my great-aunt very recently. I know what it's like living with the knowledge that a loved one has cancer and not being able to do anything about it. But you can pray. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Another couple things... cancer can destroy good people, but it can also make them stronger. And both times those family members died... a new baby came into the family shortly after. I think God sometimes uses miracles like that to make the pain of someones passing easier.

Anonymous said...

cancer does suck and ive felt the brunt of it latley.. its hard i mean kemo,radiation,etc(not me family) and you just see the person just fall and fall even though this crap is sposed to help them. whenever i have a chance to help a cancer organization(expecially breast cancer which is close to me cause my nana died of it) i do. Cancer does suck but with God we can get past it