Friday, September 26, 2008

Qwestion 5: Pornography

Umm...I have another "qwestion". I have a friend that's addicted to pornography, and I found this out just after my BEST friend got off of it. However, I don't really know how to deal with it. I don't see either person very often, and I rarely speak to this new addict. How can I help my friend in love, and not with my own judgement clouding my vision???

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Anonymous said...

A lot of people are addicted to this evil thing.I have many friends who have struggled with
porn and other evil things in the past.I know its hard to reach them when they have such a strong addiction to it.The best thing you can do is what I did just pray for them.Pray that you won't judge them and that you can be a Godly influnence on their lives pray for wisdom love and forgivness too.One thing that is great to remember is that anyone can be addicted to it anyone can break that addiction

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i know what you mean i had a problem with this thing for years... the best thing that you can do is pray for them and let then know that it's o.k. for people to know because the more people that i told the better i felt about myself. it feels as if a huge burden is lifted of your shoulders, and yes there will be times when they are tempted but you and the grace of God are there to catch them.

Anonymous said...

well, try this web site:
im sure it will help

Anonymous said...

Go to Before you freak out, it is a site to help those addicted to pornography.
They have a great accountability resource called x3watch which is a software that you can download and you can be held accountable by a friend--they can see what websites you visit.